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Importer FAQ

Are you a bidder? Check out our Bidder / Roaster FAQ »

Q: How many bags of coffee should I donate

A: The average is 5 bags, but we welcome any and all donations. Having smaller lots allows for our smaller roasters to get involved, and having the biggies in there gives our larger roasters a chance to bid.

Q: How do I donate coffee?

A: Its easy! Fill out the Coffee Submission Form.

Q: Am I responsible for paying the taxes and fees associated with importing the coffee

A: Yes, that is part of your donation to the auction is paying for those import and warehouse taxes.

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Q: Am I responsible for paying to ship the coffee to the buyer

A: No, the coffee purchaser must work with the importer to pay for the shipping. All prices are quoted ex-warehouse and do not include the cost of shipping from the warehouse to your location.

Q: Am I responsible for invoicing the purchaser

A: No, Grounds for Health will invoice the purchaser directly, once payment has been received, GFH will notify you that the lots may be released and the shipping can be arranged.

Q: Do I need to submit my own cupping notes or do you supply them for the coffee I donate

A: We ask that you supply the cupping notes for the coffee that you donate since you know you coffee the best! However, if you would prefer or do not have the capacity to draw up your own notes, we would be happy to do that for you. You may contact our auction team to arrange cupping of your coffee auction@groundsforhealth.org.

Q: Is my coffee donation tax deductible?

A: If your company is based in or has an office in the US, then yes! After the auction is complete, GFH will mail you a tax receipt for your coffee donation. Financial totals are based on the total amount your coffee sells for.

Q: A producer I do business with is interested in donating, but they only speak Spanish, is there a Spanish language Coffee Submission form for them to fill out

A: Yes. We also have people on staff you speak Spanish and can answer and questions they may have. However, we have found that it is easiest if importers are involved with the donation process as it is imperative we have a contact person once it comes time to ship the coffee.

Are you a roaster or bidder and have questions? Check out our Bidder/Roaster FAQ Page.
Still more questions? Contact our auction team: auction@groundsforhealth.org or call: 802.241.4146

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