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Colombia Finca Villa Betulia Bourbon Papayo Washed **

Colombia Finca Villa Betulia Bourbon Papayo Washed **

Winning Bid: $6.20 / lb

Total Lot Price: $403.00
1 Boxes (65lbs each)
1 Bids

Description / Cupping Notes

  • FLAVOR: Chocolate, Caramel, Almond, Apricot, Black Cherry
  • BODY: Heavy
  • ACIDITY: Mild
  • PROCESS: Washed
  • MOISTURE: 11.40%
  • PACKAGING: 65lb box

**FREE SHIPPING to Continental USA!

More info: https://www.genuineorigin.com/colombia-finca-villa-betulia-bourbon-papayo-washed-2024

Finca Villa Betulia – Bourbon Papayo

Luis Anibal Calderon is somewhat of a local celebrity among Colombian coffee farmers. And for good reason. His dedication to preserving his father’s legacy and producing high quality coffee in Huila at Finca Villa Betulia is an inspiring story. This tradition is now passing down to Luis’ son, Yeison, who is taking up the mantle of managing the estate alongside his father. On this idyllic farm that sits high up in the mountains at 1,550masl, they nurture over 20 rare and exceptional coffee varieties like geisha and pink bourbon.

Originally thought to be a Caturra mutation, the rare Papayo variety is in fact closely related to Ethiopian Landrace varieties. The Papayo variety cherries have a distinctive, elongated shape and a cup quality that is singular in its own right.

Washed Process Green Coffee

In the “washed” or “wet” process coffee cherries are floated and sorted to ensure consistent ripeness and to remove any defective cherries. The seeds (coffee beans) are then removed from their skins using depulping machines and typically moved to fermentation tanks to remove the mucilage—the remaining fruit remnants. Afterward, the coffee is washed and dried until it reaches the optimal moisture level.

Washed processing has become widely popular. The cup profile of washed coffees tends to reflect the terroir of the coffee. The processing method allows the growing conditions, the region, and the true character of the coffee to shine through.

IMPORTANT: Only available for USA Shipment. Not available for international shipment / international bidders without prior approval. Please contact auction@groundsforhealth.org for more information.

Colombia Finca Villa Betulia Bourbon Papayo Washed **
Donated By

Genuine Origin

Cupping Score


Warehouse Location

PA (Genuine Origin)

Number of Bags / Boxes


Bags or Boxes


Weight of Each (lbs)


Total Lot Size



Bourbon Papayo



Growing Region

Acevedo, Huila


Luis Calderon, Finca Villa Betulia

Processing Method


Crop Year

2024, Current Crop

Growing Altitude




Auction History

Auction has finished

Highest bidder was: Home Roast Coffee

Date Bid User Auto
2024-06-19 13:29:03$6.2042
2024-06-19 12:00Auction started